What is better than PVC patches with your company logo? Company Logo Patches with the American Flag (PVC nonetheless).
Why? A flag patch with your company’s logo is one of the best ways to show your company’s support for our country.
It is by far our most requested design and size combination, and it is truly one we love to produce.
For the majority of American People, adding the American Flag to their Company Logo Patches is a way for them to show their respect and support for Our Country, while a few might think it is not correct.
The standard size of 3″ x 2″ gives you plenty of room to add a sometimes simplified version of your logo.
Your custom PVC patches can be done in a 2D or 3D design, and it would look amazing both ways.
Are you considering Custom American Flag PVC Patches as a part of your marketing campaign?
Send us your project’s details and we will help you make outstanding products that will build your corporate image.

3″x 2″ – Full Color Lock’n Load American Flag Patch with Hook and Loop Backing.
1. Lock and Load PVC COMPANY LOGO PatchES
“Lock and load” is an idiom, an expression or common saying that can mean lots of things metaphorically. Here it is clear what is it about: it refers to the M-16, the riffle that, according to the Urban Dictionary, originated this phrase during Vietnam War.
As you can imagine, these guys business is to sell weapons, specifically firearms and gun accessories. They used to work from home to save expenses and to offer lower prices products, therefore they decided to promote their business adding a logo patch with our country flag to special deliveries.

2. Mac Tactical Logo + US Flag Patch
Yes, you guess, this company also sell firearms and related accessories. Their original logo is actually black and white, that way they can easily adapt it to any color palette without loosing the brand’s identity.
However, this color palette is taken from one of the Multicam’s color-charts used by the US Army for their camouflage which is also used by other armies around the world. If you are interested in learning more about Multicam style patches, go ahead and take a look to our Multicam Patches Showcase.

3. Bravo Concealment Logo + US Flag Patch
It seams that every successful fire weapons provider in the US have to show their love to America by giving away a patch like this along with each order.
In this case the company is entirely focused on the guns and holsters market. Plus, they designed their own holsters that seams to be comfortable and quite useful. They even designed and produce an original gun belt specially made to carry their tough holster.
Their logo is also black and white, easy to adapt to any color-chart. In this case they included their logo, which is the correct/technical term to call a “logo” that’s made out of text plus a separated image. This image contains two powerful symbols: a sword and a wing joined by the Texas map shape. We love the way this American Flag + Bravo Concealment Company Logo Patches turned out
The color selection intends to match the desert camouflage Multicam pattern.

4. US Navy Morale Design + US Flag Patch
Not only firearms sellers ask for US flag patches, it is more common among the US military units.
On the other hand, morale patches are sometimes easy to understand and others they seam to be as mysterious as a Dan Brown’s book.
What does the Latin phrase on the top mean?
It says: “Senior Pinguiores Tardius” and according to Google Translator that means in English: “Senior fatten more slowly”. It could be a code, however, let’s leave it like that.
Although we have here again a Multicam color chart, we can appreciate that the patch design have a lot of little details that are, nevertheless, neat and clear thanks to the soft rubber PVC material.
Ready to Go?
If you already have your artwork and want to know how much is it to order a number of PVC patches, you just have to fill out a form and we will be back to you within 24h with your quote.

5. Skally Wag Tactical PVC Patch with Logo & flag
These guys’ logo is so cool and so it is their website. They sell weapons but mostly blades. They are specialized in blades, all soret of blades and knifes, this is why they decided to put a couple of crossed pirate style swords in their logo. Unlike the previous designs showed above, in this case the color selection do not pretend to match the camouflage but, on the contrary, it is made to standout and to be seen.

6. Armstrong Steal Logo and US flag LOGO PATCHES
Let’s leave the weapons business behind for a moment. This is about construction and engineering, specifically the one that concerns steal. These folks love our country and want to tell that to every one, this is an excellent way of generating empathy with your customers. Plus, they really feel grateful with America because the have achieve a sort of an American dream, emerging as a successful company in the field and helping the country to grow literally.

And we are back to the weapons subject. This time we are not talking about a company that sells them but about one that teach how to use them properly. Their customers are civilians LEO/Military, Government as well as Corporate Contractors.
Companies that work for the US Government are not required to do this, it’s not mandatory to show up that you support America, but expressing gratefulness to your country by linking your brand to the US flag is advisable.

8. American Flag Patch RAT Tactical logo over the US Flag
Why are we describing what are each of these businesses about? To show you what kind of companies use these kind of company patches, that way you could figure it out if you need them or not.
Maybe you are trying to sell something addressing to a foreign audience, why should you need a patch with the American flag as a giveaway?
But perhaps you are trying to sell something to the US government, or you have an American audience linked somehow to the military as is the case of Rat Tactical Gear. Is that your case? Go ahead and ask for a quote with us, is totally free and you wont regret it.

9. BCI Defense PVC Flag Patch
Another firearms sellers? not quite, they are more than that, they are also firearms designers and manufacturers. And we are not talking about little guns but about high caliber. Who are you selling this to? The US government again. It must be at least their first customer. Showing respect to your flag is not enough, you might want to show more than that to please such a big customer.

10. Goruck PVC Flag Patch
This brand might not need further presentation. That’s because Goruck sells their apparel, footwear and services to individuals, companies and special forces regardless where they come from. Nonetheless they also want to tell people they are truly an american brand, people identify with this brand because they not only sell stuff, they serve to the nation with the commitment US soldiers do.
As you can see, you can be as creative or as traditional as you like designing your custom PVC flag patch: you can use as many or as little colors, layers and styles as you please.
Even if you think something is “too complicated” to be possible in a patch, just ask us, we are sure we can find a way to make your PVC company logo patches as close to your design as possible.
Let’s do your next Custom COMPANY LOGO PATCHES WITH THE American Flag
Supporting your country is a great way to empathize with your audience, build loyalty and advocacy.